by Monica Mercado
Today at 4:30 p.m., historian Martha Biondi, author of The Black Revolution on Campus, joins the Swarthmore College community to close the 2015 Black History Month Celebration. Swarthmore’s “Stand UP! Speak OUT! Black Student Activism in the 1960s” 2015 celebration theme draws attention to their new digital project, the Black Liberation 1969 Archive — a site that suggests possibilities for future work on our own campus histories.
“The Black Revolution on Campus: Black Students and the Transformation
of Higher Education,” featuring Martha Biondi Professor of African American Studies & History at Northwestern University
Thursday, February 26 – 4:30 p.m. – LPAC Cinema [link to campus map]
Activism rocked American campuses in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Black students were at the forefront of this nationwide youth uprising, and they helped push the Black freedom struggle to embrace the radical transformation of higher education. The students faced strong resistance but they won many demands, leaving a legacy that profoundly reshaped campus life in the 1970s and beyond. A reception will immediately follow the talk.